Monday, April 19, 2010


A ha - I have got the printer working so you will receive a hard copy of this tomorrow. We discussed the information below in class today - everyone should have a clear idea about what is expected.

On Friday I will collect in your ASPIRE folders.

What should your folder look like?
In your folder there should be evidence of background research; this should be notes, highlighted information, photocopies pictures for example. There may be notes from your interview, emails from people that you have emailed and any other information that shows us what you have been doing ‘behind the scenes’.

Where to now?
On Friday I will be expecting you to hand in your folder, evidence of your interview (this may be a DVD, a MP3 recording, on a cassette, written form, photo story) as well as a SUMMARY of your interview that basically pulls all the information that you have found out from your interview, your background research and it should ANSWER the big question! You will have to think hard about this.

You will present your findings to the class on Friday (Thursday if you'd rather get it done sooner). You may like to present your information on a poster, give a small speech, PowerPoint presentation etc. Remember for this ASPIRE I am most interested in the process.

Well done with your progress so far!